Seated Acupressure & Therapeutic Massage

On-Site or Seated Acupressure & Massage has become extremely popular and is suitable to take place at a host of venues and events, within the workplace and for individuals at home. The therapy is applied through the clothes and without oils which makes it especially appealing.  It is beneficial for upper and lower back, shoulders, neck, arms and hands.  Although it can be relaxing but it is primarily an energising massage which makes it a great treatment for the well-being of employees.   




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Shoreditch 10K Run 2017 and Pre & Post Sports Massage

Shoreditch 10K run took place on the 8th October and it is the first one within the local area.  The run started and finished in Shoreditch park.  It has been a great success with 10,000 participants crossing the finish line.  The weather conditions were just right and some of the runners arrived back in under 40 minutes.  Alike the Hackney full and half marathon it is quite a flat run and easily manageable with few hills. 

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Daily Affirmations & Visualisation

Affirmations are positive thoughts that can help you to stay focused on your goals.  The idea behind positive thoughts or affirmations is what you say about yourself, others, your environment and the world can become a reality.  These are words or thoughts that are either spoken out loud, whispered or silently said to ourselves or written down.  If positive thoughts are incorporated in to our daily life’s they maintain a link between us and our goals, hopes and dreams.

Affirmations can be used within business, by sports persons and individuals who wish to enhance their life in some way and their achievements.


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Sports Massage using Hot and Cold Stones

Warm and chilled stones are becoming more popularized and used for massage treatments within many clinics and spas.  Stone massage has been influenced by Ancient cultures that incorporated stones and heat within their healing practices ie Chinese, Native American, Hawaiians, Egyptian, Ayurvedic and other civilizations.  In 1993 Mary Nelson from the USA has been instrumental in the modern day development of hot and cold stone massage.

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Holistic Therapies & Stress

The word holistic is from the Greek word “Holos” meaning whole.  The Holistic therapist incorporates idea of the whole person including the mind, body and spirit.  The Holistic perspective considers the client’s physical and psychological problems.  In addition their environment and nutritional state.  All of these components can impact the body in both positive and negative ways. 

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Hackney Half Marathon 8th May 2016

I had a fab time providing post event sport massage within the FIX tent at the Hackney Half Marathon.  The team of therapists managed to massage over 450 runners which had been an increase from what we did the year before.  The day was especially hot 25 degrees which made it more of a challenge because most of the runners would have trained in much cooler temperatures.  The participants at the event were varied in experience some seasoned runners and for others it has been their first event. 

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Herbal Tea Infusions

A cup of tea can lift your mood and help you to relax.  It is a great way to socialise and converse with others.  It is often during having “a cuppa” that we speak about our problems and matters that are concerning us.  Generally, tea can help to comfort in times of worry and stress.  Teas come in many forms black, green, fruity and various herbal varieties.  In the winter ginger tea can warm you up and in the summer ice tea such as lemon can be refreshing.  Although black teas are more popular but it is herbal infusions that have the most health benefits and have been renowned for their healing properties worldwide.

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Aroma Therapeutic Oils

Aromatherapy essential oils have been used for centuries by different cultures dating back to the Egyptians and to China, India, Arabic, Greek, Roman and various other civilisations.  The therapeutic aroma essential oils can lift your mood, help balance hormones and heal.  The essential oils are extracted from plants and are natural remedies. There are two key methods of extraction ie “Distillation” or “Expression” these produce concentrated oils and this is why you only need to use a few drops.  It is important that you use pure essential oils as instructed and if to be applied to your skin that you dilute accordingly.  An Aroma therapist will blend selected essential oils depending on requirements and add to a base massage oils.  Despite all the information and that the oils can be easily purchased there is still a little mystery about them...

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It is still surprising to me how many people still just do not drink sufficient water throughout the day which is fundamental to our whole body system and health. Before a client can have massage treatment I go through a consultation form with them and there will always be a section on diet and fluid intake.  I have heard every reason why someone is not drinking enough water from “does fizzy drinks count” or “water is boring” to “if I drink too much I need to go to the toilet more often”.

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